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新高一New Zealand 教案(Period 3 )

新高一New Zealand 教案(Period 3 )

New Zealand <?

Period 3


1. To master some basic vocabulary and use the proper words to describe the land.

2. To learn the grammar: the use of “it” as subject

Step 1 revision and presentation


Step 1 revision and presentation

1. Revise the text “New Zealand” asks the students to describe the location of the island and the natural beauty.

2. When we describe the land, we usually use some use some nouns and some adjectives


Step 2 word study

Let the students look at the word webs. Make sure the students know the meaning of these words. Then let them talk in pairs about the different kinds of land. Allow them enough time to write down the sentences in their notebooks.

A sample version:

Some parts of southwestern China has a very beautiful landscape with green hills and mountains, some parts of northeast are covered with thick forests. In the west there is a large area of deserts. But in cities, there is not enough grassland because of a large population.

Step 3 grammar

1. Write the following sentences on the blackboard;

A it is April 1st today.

B it is raining heavily

C it is interesting to visit New Zealand

2. Tell the function of “it” in each sentence.

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