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Lesson 87多媒体教学设计方案-教学教案

Lesson 87多媒体教学设计方案-教学教案

Lesson 87多媒体教学设计方案

Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  Long ago, the first travellers went to Ireland from ________, and later from the south and west of _________. They found that much of the land was _________, but there was ________ grass for sheep and cows, _________ it rained a lot. The seas around Ireland were full of all sorts of __________. Many of the peasants were very poor and they lived mainly on _________. Around __________, potatoes __________ bad because of a terrible disease and many people died of ___________. Tens of thousands had to travel to other countries to look _________ a better life. Although many families became __________, people still kept in __________ with each other. Now life has improved for the population. Most Irish people go to __________ every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people s lives. The Irish are very fond of __________ and ____________. They often get together in the evening to ___________ and ___________ music.

  Scotland  fish  for   music

  Europe  potatoes  separated  poems

  poor  1850  touch  sing

  enough  went  church  play

   because  hunger


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