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第一册Unit 1 Good Friends-教学教案

第一册Unit 1 Good Friends-教学教案

Unit 1   Good Friends

I.                   Learning Aim<?

1.     Learn how to talk about friends and friendship.

2.     Learn to discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggest solutions.

II.                Moral Education 

From the learning, students can understand gradually that the meaning of  “friends”.

III.             Teaching Direction

1.     key vocabularies and phrases.

 honest  brave  wise  handsome  smart  deserted  in order to  share

2.     useful expressions

I think I can       ,       , and       .

I think he/she is        ,       , and       .

3.     study strategies and thought techniques

(1)   Guessing

(2)   Discussion

4.     the goals of quality education

(1)    Help to improve the students’ capacities of communication.

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