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八年级(上)U5 L19八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力

八年级(上)U5 L19八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


--- LESSON 19

AIMS: to help students to comprehend a dialogue and a passage, and to learn the new words and expressions in them

AIDS: OHP and some transparencies

TIME: 45 minutes

LEVEL: Grade two, junior high school

LANGUAGE: Students will

learn some words and expressions related to farm work
learn to give good-intentioned warnings
practice use of “ be hard to do ” and “ much + comparatives of adjectives ”
go over present continuous tense

Dialogue (17 minutes)
Comprehension of the dialogue (7 minutes)
1. Look at the picture on page 19 and answer questions (2 minutes)

How many people are there in the picture? Who are they?
Where are they?
What are they doing?
--- Individual feedback

2. Read the dialogue and answer questions (5 minutes)

Where are the good apples?
Is it dangerous to go too high?
What does Jim say to Meimei?
--- Students read for 2 minutes

--- Individual feedback

Practice of language points (5 minutes)
Give good-intentioned warnings
--- Model: In the dialogue, Jim says to Meimei, “BE CAREFUL!DON’T GO TOO HIGH! IT’S DANGEROUS!”

---Present to students four pictures on an OHP transparency, which are as follows. (a) a man climbing a hill, (b) a girl swimming in a river, (c) a driver driving a car, (d) a boy riding a bicycle

--- What is he/she doing? What should you say to him or her? Please fill in the blanks.

“Be ( )!

Don’t ( )( )( )!

It’s ( )! ”

--- Whole class /individual feedback

Can you REACH them?
--- Ask students to respond in whole sentences to my questions in each of the following situations

(a) Put my book on the desk, stand near the desk first, and then step away from the desk. Each time ask the question “Can I reach the book? ”

(b) Reach out my hand to the lower light and ask “Can I reach the light?” Then, reach out my hand to the higher light and ask “Can I reach this light?”

(c) Put my keys on the top of the blackboard. Ask “Can I reach my keys?” and “ can xxx (the shortest student of the class) reach them?”

Read the dialogue aloud (5 minutes)
Read after the tape once
Read in pairs
Pair check in whole class
Passage (28 minutes)
Comprehension of the passage (12 minutes)
Read the first paragraph of the passage and answer questions (7 minutes)
How is the day?
Is everyone busy?
What are they doing?
What is Meimei doing?
What is Jim doing?
Are some apples hard to reach?
--- Students read the first part of the text for 3 minutes

--- Individual feedback

--- Write the answers to each question on the blackboard in phrases

Read the rest of the passage and answer questions (5 minutes)
Who has more apples, Jim or Lilei?
Whose apples are better, Jim’s or Lilei’s?
--- Students read this part for 2 ms

--- Individual feedback

--- Write the answers on the blackboard in phrases

Practice of language points (6 minutes)
--- Model: The light is hard to reach.

--- Prompts: jeans --- wash, box --- carry, work --- do, door --- open,

words --- remember

Mine apples are MUCH BIGGER.
--- Present to students 4 sets of 3 objects on an OHP transparency. They are different in size, length, height, and weight respectively.

---Model: “pear” The first pear is small.

The second one is bigger than the first one.

The third one is much bigger than the first one.

--- Visual prompts: tables, rulers, trees, boxes

Retell the passage (10 minutes)
State the comprehension questions in part A, and the whole class respond with the help of the information on the blackboard and of the teacher
Students work in pairs. One states the comprehension questions, and the other answers.

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