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牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 科学小品 下载


名称:牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 科学小品






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Tag:中考英语试题及答案,中考英语试卷   英语中考

牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 科学小品简介:

牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 科学小品 …… that a healthy, older man will suffer from a heart attack (心脏病).   The study offered two new results from earlier findings. It said taking one aspirin pill every other day helped only healthy men over the age of fifty. It also said aspirin gave the greatest protection against heart attacks to men with low blood cholesterol (胆固醇) levels.   Earlier in the United States began a major aspirin study in the early 1980s. It included 22,000 healthy men doctors. All were between the ages of forty and eighty-four. More than 11,000 of the doctors took a harmless pill that contained no drug. The men did not know which kind of pill they were taking.   The doctors who took aspirin suffered 44% fewer heart attacks than those taking the harmless pill. 139 men who took aspirin suffered from heart attacks.……牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 科学小品

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