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高一英语Classical and popular music教案1

高一英语Classical and popular music教案1

Unit5 Classical and popular music-reading教案
Language learning objectives
To get familiar with some new words and expressions
To help the students better understand the text
Skill and ability objectives
To develop listening, reading and speaking abilities
To voice opinions and communicate effectively on certain topics
Instructional objectives
To appreciate the charm of Arturo Toscanini
To learn about the secrets to success from Arturo Toscanini
Collaborative learning approach

I. Lead-in
1. Enjoying a video clip of Arturo Toscanini
2. Getting familiar with some musical terms
II. Text learning
1. Listening to paragraphs B, C, I for some important events in Toscanini’s life and filling in the table
2. Reading paragraph D for the outstanding qualities of Toscanini
3. Reading paragraphs E, F and G for his ways of interpreting music
4. Learning about Toscanini’s political outlook through paragraph H
III.  Further development
1. Brainstorming
Picturing Toscanini in mind and collecting the words for description
2. Discussion
Describing Toscanini with the supporting sentences from the text
IV. Assignments
1. To finish Exercise B and C on page 57-58
2. To recite paragraph D
3. Find more information on the website http://www.toscaninionline.com
Questions for thought: How did Toscanini establish himself as the first Italian conductor of world-class talent?

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