

www.ybf100.com      T: How did the character feel?

     S: (Amazement and wonder→alarm→fear→panic)

Para 1        Para 1-Para 2  Para 3 Para 5

T: Will you have a try and find out some sentences that have metaphorical words in them?

S: (see pages 24-25, 6 places or so)

3. Post-reading

T: Now let’s come to some exercises about the reading material. Exercises on page 25.


T: Now try to tell the story in your own words in brief,  using First…, Next…, Then…,and Finally…

4. Homework

1. Tell the story in your own words, by using First…, Next…, Then…, and Finally…,

2. Ex.1 Vocabulary on page 104.

     Reading passage 2

5. Check their homework

One student tells the story and then some of the students read the sentences in Ex.1, Vocabulary on page 104.

6. Now let’s come to the text. I’m going to explain to you some difficult sentences (see pages 24-25), some useful phrases and words.


I heard them singing that song in English.

The boy saw his classmates playing football.

  Try to find some more verbs that can take an v-ing.

②drag: pull sth./ sb. along the ground because they are too heavy to carry

Little Jerry dragged the table/her father/into the kitchen.

  Pull: use your hand to make sth move towards you or in the direction that you’re moving

 v. Help me move the piano; you push and I’ll pull.

He pulled his brother out of bed.

n. the pull of the moon

③seize: take hold of sth. suddenly and violently

He seized my hand and dragged me away


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